Wednesday, September 2, 2020, 21:04

Dear family and friends,

Do you sense how quickly things are coming to pass that were foretold in the scriptures? More than any other time in history we are seeing God's plans unfolding before our very eyes. I know how anxious I can get when I only see what the media shows. Most of which makes me wonder what is really true and what is a falsehood.

The enemy, Satan, would like to hoodwink the children of God. To  cause us to follow the wrong path and be afraid. Have you noticed? That is why I am spending more time in God's Word for direction and protection. My Spirit is surprisingly at peace, while still on edge and ready for a command from the Lord. 

Let's talk a bit about 2 Timothy 2. In the first 4 verses Paul is speaking to Timothy and guiding him into what is true. He begins..."So you, my son, be strong (strengthened inwardly) in the grace (spiritual blessing) that is [to be found only] in Christ Jesus."

Where do your blessings come from? From your wealth, your job, your friends list and being noticed? None of that matters in the kingdom of God. It is being found in Grace through Jesus Christ...only in Him.

"And the [instructions] which you have heard from me along with many witnesses, transmit and entrust [as a deposit] to reliable and faithful men who will be competent and qualified to teach others also."

We are called with one purpose and that is to tell others the Good News of Jesus our Redeemer and make disciples of those you are leading so they will be able to pass along this report of God's Grace so many are being saved.

"Take [with me] your share of the hardships and suffering [which you are called to endure] as a good (first-class) soldier of Christ Jesus."

Are you wearing the armor of God as spoken in Ephesians 6? Are you taking to heart what the Bible tells you? I had to ask myself that question recently. What parts are too easy to just slip by because they are challenging and don't sound happy like a sunny song? Really, we were told by Jesus that trouble would be ours if we belong to Him. 

What you are suffering now, Jesus knows and sees. Remember that He promised to never leave you or forsake you. Stand courageous until the trouble passes. It will. I would rather have Jesus than anything or anyone in this whole wide world!

"No soldier when in service gets entangled in the enterprises of [civilian] life; his aim is to satisfy and please the one who enlisted him."

So like our walk! We need to know the plan. At least for the next step ahead. And, He will show you and keep you from falling for the trappings and distractions of the world. You may feel stuck in a war zone so intense that all you can think about is survival. That dank, dark pit you are in? Call out to the Lord. Keep your mind on God's promises. Let praise and thanksgiving arise with healing over your soul.

Are you a wounded soldier? Pray this from Jeremiah 17:14..."Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise." Amen!

When you read further down in 2 Timothy 2 you will also see competitive games and the one crowned for crossing the finish line. You will see the hard-working farmer whose reward for his labors is to be the first partaker of that harvest.

Paul tells Timothy to think over these things and grasp the application. The Lord will grant full insight and understanding in everything. Wow! That is a great promise!

He also said to be constantly keeping in mind Jesus as risen from the dead. And that the Word of God  is not chained or imprisoned!

What do you think about that? Can you say, "Regardless of my circumstances, I know He is Risen indeed?" Praise the Lord as the world presses in and compounds life with those stupid rules to keep you in chains. Praise the Lord when suddenly the sun shines through the heavy cloud cover and the rain glistens like diamonds on His creation. Don't be gullible!

What I am trying to grasp here is that, more than anything else, I need to be so in tune with the Holy Spirit there is no doubt which path is the right one. There is no fear while I am sheltered in His Love. There is no question as to who I belong to! 

Are you ready to make disciples by the way you handle tough stuff? What will be your testimony? What is on your mind right now? Getting back to that movie or how you can make more money in your business? Are you really seeing the people who cross your path? Take a chance and prayerfully look in their eyes.

Pray for one another! We need each encouraging word sent our way. I love you all and pray for you to know the Lord God as your Abba. That your relationship with Jesus Christ will be intimate. There in lies your safety as Psalm 91 says.

God bless you and keep you in this fight in the matchless name of our warrior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Abundance is...being prepared

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