Saturday, February 15, 2020, 16:43

 Dear brothers and sisters,

   Thank you for joining me today with Heartstrings. I am blessed knowing we share the Love of the Lord. I only pray that we can express this mighty love with those around us.

   When I think of the last year, the heartache, body ache and the battles; I am able to thank the Lord Who never changes for loving me through it all.

   You have felt pain, emptiness of soul, longing for peace. We are not alone on this journey. I suspect that God being Who He Is must have a wonderful plan for each of us. From the front of God's Love letter to the very last word, He shows us His matchless love!

   Why do I get so tied up with fear and unbelief? It only squeezes a soft, accepting heart into a hard heart of steel? Just because I can't see the hand of God turn the pages of my story; when I think I am ready to go on and step away from this trial, doesn't mean His hand is slack concerning the details of my life.

   I realize the seeds resting in the dark earth, sleepy through winter, are going to rise up to meet the sun just as the Lord intends. So with my life. What seems way past the right time, will not make it come any sooner.

    In regard to my health this has been a time of learning to trust in the Lord and learn to depend on Him for every movement of my muscles. For every breath keeping me through the night hours, long as they may be. Learning to just be me in His presence without a semblance of earthly beauty.

   He is making me, shaping me into something that will bring glory and honor to Him. Am I willing to go through the long hours of stillness? The lengthy times when I don't hear His voice? How about the pressure of trials?

   Will I still trust the Lord, my Redeemer, Savior and coming King? God wants me to love Him with all my heart, mind and soul. Regardless of my tempory circumstances. He intends fresh life for each of us! My times are in His hands.

   Psalm 13:5-6 says, "But I have trusted, leaned on and been confident in Your mercy and loving-kindness; my heart shall rejoice and be in high spirits in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me."

   "You know, you don't have to have it all figured out" Holy Spirit whispers in my ear. It may be hard for me to sing, but once I begin, it comes easier. To give thanks for all the bountitul blessings He has bestowed on me is the best place to begin. I may sing with tears falling down my face.

   I may sing, even when the pain is pressing down on me so I can't breathe. I may even discover the Holy Spirit's comfort brings me a new song. It isn't beyond His ability!

   We can even make up a tune for a single scripture. By singing of the Lord's faithful love for us over and over again, until we become revived and the burden, the weight is lifted. In that place, abundant life will be released so we can flourish.

   Psalm 86:15 is another Word that has helped me..."But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy and loving-kindness and truth."   

   You can bet I have given the Lord plenty of opportunity to turn away from me. My complaining, pouting, pride and always seeking to be in control are only a few reasons. Here again is where I can rejoice. For He is a merciful and gracious Father!

   Lessons ongoing...from Psalm 16:7-9 says, "I will bless the Lord, Who has given me counsel; yes, my heart instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory [my inner self] rejoices; my body too shall rest and confidently dwell in safety."

   See, it is up to me to bless the Lord. Each of us make that choice. I now turn my thoughts to Him more often than any other time of my life. Every moment of the day is never wasted when I listen for His instruction; day or night. Jesus Christ, my Lord, is my bodies rest and safety.

   Will you give praise to the Lord our Father today? What will you do with the season you are in? Who will you turn to for wisdom and understanding? These are questions I am having to acknowledge as God writes the pages of my own personal story.

   Make the very most of this time, buying up each opportunity like it says in Ephesians 5:15. Find strength, courage and complete joy as you make the Word of God, Jesus The Son, your standard. God bless you and keep you till we meet again. In the matchless, precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.

Abundance is...making room for more of Him

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