Friday, February 15, 2019, 18:39

 Good morning,

Have you ever written a note to yourself. I don't mean a list, like for groceries or to do projects. I mean a note that will impact the steps you take today. For instance, my note for today would be "love is patient."

Yep, it's right there in the Love Chapter. 1 Corinthians 13:4 says, "Love endures long and is patient and kind." I would seem that this is the first on Paul's list. For the most part I have spent more time ignoring this than applying it to my life. At least that was before I really started to gaze into God's Love letter. Funny how I find myself there time after time.

Time after time His love goes on. That is a song. You can find it on my Heartsongs page. It really is something to finally understand how patient God is. And, that patience is one of the fruits of His Spirit within us. So, that means I have no excuses anymore. I am surrounded by opportunities everyday. I do hope you take a moment to read the words to this song the Lord gave me.

The note on my heart today then, is a reminder that I don't have to struggle on my own to have this wonderful attitude of patience. Being full of the Holy Spirit equips me under all circumstances to be a patient child of God. Patient with His work in me and patient with others.

I looked in my Thesaurus the word patient. Some of the like words that really grabbed me were; untiring, submissive, resigned, serene, calm, quiet, unexcited, unruffled. Well, to sum it up I want to be all of those. Do you see anywhere in this list words that describe stress or worry? They just can't share the same space.

Wouldn't it be best to seek the Lord if we are impatient people? With all that goes on in my Friday happenings it is easy to succumb to anxiety. Though it is not for my good. Certainly does not bring glory to God. Making a change begins with being submissive to the Word of God. I read it, so now I am responsible to cry out to the Lord to shape me into a patient daughter of the Most High.

Does God exist outside of time? He sure does! He is all powerful, all knowing, always existing. When we get to the place when we are frustrated, a bit snappy with others, and running in circles we can remember that God is indeed in control. We can hope that today is the day when everything goes according to our schedule. Will it? Not likely, unless, we are following the footprints of Jesus and His plans for us.

I love Proverbs 16:3, "Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed." It is all about what He desires for us!

People are predicting the time when Christ will return. To think of going through another day of persecution, emotional upheaval, well, overwhelming is the word that comes to mind. Some of which we can't seem to change. We are learning to adjust our hearts and minds to adapt to the Lord and His grace, His timing and day of rescue. It will come.

2 Peter 3:9 says, "The Lord does not delay and is not tardy or slow about what He promises, according to some people's conception of slowness, but He is long-suffering (extraordinarily patieint) toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance." We should be rejoicing everyday for God's patience with us! Pray for your calm and for the salvation of others.

According to what we see, delays may happen, but not to the eyes of God. They be the most important thing going for us. Wow, pause and think about that! There are so many scriptures in the Bible that speak about the plans of man and the plans of God. We do what is best don't we?

I'd better get my laundry going. I just wanted to share a note with you. Maybe it will be helpful. God has told us that He won't fail us in any way or leave us without support. He will not forsake us or relax His hold on us. Be assured! You are loved son and daughter and His Spirit will bring you to rest and rescue in His proper time. Hold tight to His hand.

Father thank you for this day and all you have planned for each of us. Remind us that our times are in Your hands. Fill us with patient, wise and understanding hearts. We lift up our lives as worship and look forward to the journey ahead. In the matchless name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Abundance notes from God

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